Federal Funding to Police Departments in 2020  
CARES Act funding from the Justice Department to state and local police[i] $850 million
2020 Justice Assistance funding from Justice Department to state and local police[ii] $349 million
2020 COPS funding from Justice Department to state and local police [iii] $394 million
Military equipment sent by Department of Defense to state and local police YTD[iv] $58 million
TOTAL $1.6 billion


Even More Federal Funding Proposed in the HEROES Act  
Funding from the Justice Department to state and local law police[v] $300 million
Additional COPS funding to state and local police[vi] $300 million
TOTAL $600 million



What alternatives for achieving public safety could $2.2 billion support?
2,750 Crisis Intervention Teams to respond to 911 Mental Health calls[vii]
36,000 Gun Violence Prevention outreach workers[viii]
176,000 Transitional jobs for people leaving jail and prison[ix]
336,000 People could receive drug treatment for Opioids[x]


[i] For more information and allocations to cities and states visit https://bja.ojp.gov/program/cesf/state-and-local-allocations
[ii] https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10691
[iii] COP Hiring Program 2020 Awards https://cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/2020AwardDocs/CHP/Award_List.pdf
[iv] https://www.dla.mil/DispositionServices/Offers/Reutilization/LawEnforcement/PublicInformation/
[v] HEROES ACT pages 14-15 https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20200511/BILLS-116hr6800ih.pdf
[vi] HEROES Act pages 17-18 https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20200511/BILLS-116hr6800ih.pdf
[vii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAHOOTS_(crisis_response)
[viii] https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/227181.pdf, http://www.stocktongov.com/government/departments/manager/violprev.html
[ix] http://fiscalpolicy.org/FPI_TransitionalJobsReturnOnInvestmentStudy.pdf
[x] https://www.drugrehab.com/treatment/how-much-does-rehab-cost/